To reduce heart diseases in Hungary

Hungarian National Heart Foundation

Guidelines on corporate partnership

2007-03-12 | Refreshed: 2013-01-07 16:18


I.    Introduction:

The Hungarian National Heart Foundation (HNHF) is positive towards working with external organisations,groups and companies to achieve our mission and vision. As a not for profit and non-governmental organisation working to prevent and reduce cardiovascular diseases, it is essential that HNHF maintain its independence and HNHF will not enter into any relationship/sponsor arrangement that may bring the name of HNHF into disrepute.

II.   General conditions and exclusion criteria:

HNHF can only enter into a relationship with corporate sponsors as long as it retains full control over content of programmes, messages involved in events, campaigns and publications. Written agreements must be signed by HNHF and the corporate sponsors. Should a corporate sponsor no longer respect the agreement, HNHF canterminate the relationship immediately.

a)   HNHF will not have relationships with any external organisation, group or company that is directly connected with the tobacco industry (directly connected means produce or promote tobacco products or receives funding from it).

b)   HNHF will not have relationships with any external organisation, group or company that does not respect national legislation and international conventions on human rights, workers' rights, environment etc. HNHF will comply with Governmental guidelines and pay due diligence to information received from other formal or trustworthy sources regarding such issues.

c)   HNHF will not have relationships with any industry sector whose products, activities or services are incompatible with the values of the HNHF (e.g. weapons, pornography, etc.). This exclusion criteria also applies to the corporate subsidiaries or parents of companies active in these sectors (subsidiary and parent are defined as an entity in which there exists a 5% or greater ownership by or of a company).

d)   HNHF will not accept funds from company divisions, subsidiaries or product groups that have a non-healthy public positioning. However, HNHF does accept to engage in a dialogue with any company (with the exception of the excluded industry sectors set out above) in order to urge changes in product portfolio, business practices etc.

III.   Forms of support:

HNHF involvement with corporate sponsors at several levels comprises:

1.   Gifts and grants with no strings attached:

Donations can be received in the form of cash or goods and services. Donations are often unrestricted or with expectation of low or no direct exposure or benefit to the donor. No formal contract is involved although there may be an agreement about acknowledgement.

2.   Sponsorship:

Sponsorship is a formal relationship (contract) in which both parties commit to a mutually beneficial association. Substantial financial benefit to the HNHF is part of the arrangement.

The terms of the sponsorship agreement are set down in the contract, to be signed by the person who has the powers to sign according to the HNHF's statutes, by-laws or procedures. As a minimum, the contract should include :

  • The obligations of each party.
  • The parameters for association and use of names and logos.
  • The amount of sponsorship and/or in lieu of cash donations, of products or services. All agreements should contain full details concerning financial benefits to the HNHF (where applicable), and any obligations given by or expected of the HNHF in return for financial, and/or other, considerations.
  • The form in which the HNHF acknowledges support.
  • Approval process for advertising and promotional campaigns in the case of sponsorship involving media promotion.
  • Use of the HNHF name or logo, which may be granted in certain cases.
  • A terminating clause.

The sponsoring body should not include associated and/or subsidiary companies in the agreement unless they comply with the overall guiding principles set down in this document.

There may be instances in acknowledging a sponsorship that a disclaimer may be needed to show that the "sponsorship" does not imply endorsement of the sponsor's products.

3.   Product endorsement:

Endorsement is where the HNHF's name or logo is closely associated with a company's name, product or service indicating approval by the HNHF of the associated company, product or service.

a)   All agreements should contain full details concerning financial benefits to the HNHF (where applicable), and any obligations given by or expected of the HNHF in return for financial, and/or other, considerations. They must be signed by the person who has the powers to sign according to the HNHF's statutes, by-laws or procedures.

b)   In cases where HNHF agrees to allow its logo on a product, the following principles and procedures shall apply:

  • The decision to allow its logo to appear on a product shall be scientifically substantiated. The decision shall be taken according to the procedures in place in the HNHF.
  • The decision to place a logo on a product shall not be a stand alone aspect of the relationship between HNHF and the company, but shall represent one component of a broader programme to improve public education and public health.
  • Any health recommendations attributable to HNHF shall come from HNHF and shall provide a holistic heart health message.

IV.   Exclusivity:

HNHF does not grant exclusivity to a company within an industry sector. However, when the relationship with a company provides a significant benefit to the HNHF, and the perceived risk has been fully evaluated, limited exclusivity may be granted for specific HNHF programmes, projects or activities for a fixed period of time.

IV.   Exclusivity:

HNHF will acknowledge all gifts and grants received from external organisations, groups and industry (including in kind contributions). HNHF will disclose the nature of a corporate relationship, including whether HNHF receives any financial benefit, when requested. Disclosure does not include information which is customarily subject to non-disclosure restrictions.
